
Antillia is the name I gave to a project I cherish since I became a secondary school teacher, many, many years ago. The idea is to create a place for young people who have no clue of what direction to take after graduating from secondary school where they can  take the time to find out what future path suits them best, which “road to take”.  There they can come in contact with people from all layers of society who give testimony of their choices and of their life’s journey. Also important: sharing their questions with each other. More on the project, the name choice and the charter of the project on the website “Antillia“.

A submap on the website is devoted to  the life story of my parents after the discovery of their love letters and extensive archives carefully kept and organized by my mother (1919-2015). This part of the site is in Dutch.

Inauguration of the school in the presence of my mother, and blessing by Father Yves Lebrun (schoolpastor of “Maria Assumptalyceum“:

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